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Super Mario Galaxy is a platformer that brought something new. This has some negative and positive aspects, but specially positive.
This game takes the classic Super Mario platformer to space. Gravity takes a big part in it, each world is a galaxy with mini-planets, and there are two types of planet, the ones that have their own gravity which have different forms, the problem with this planets is the camera, it's a little uncomfortable and you end up going over the same places several times, it takes a while to get used to it; the other ones are the ones with a black hole, this ones are more similar to the classic Mario worlds.
Gravity play is fun, but it takes a while to get used to. When you get used to it, the game is pretty fun, it reminds us about Super Mario 64 but with a big enhancement in quality. It has 42 galaxies, each of them with its amount of stars which range from 1 to 6. Besides there are some comets that will let you re-play a galaxy with some extra difficulty such as a limit time, accelerated movements in the world or having to defeat a boss with only one life point.

The story of the game is very Mario-classic. The game starts in a festival in which Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach, but in this case he takes her in a spaceship. What's new with this game is the observatory and its story, we have a new character called Rosalina and the Lumas that take her as their mother, it's a very interesting story that will be told as chapters in a book.

Besides the classic elements of Super Mario, this game adds the starbits, some colored little stars that have multiple uses. Every 50 starbits you get a new life; you can shoot enemies with starbits to get them stunned, and you can use them to feed the hungry Lumas that will grow to become planets. Starbits can be collected with the pointer during the game, and player 2 can help with a bigger range to collect them easily.

An aspect of the game that didn't get to convince me is that the life is just 3, it makes you be looking for coins all the time to get your life back. Anyway, this is evened out with the fact that it is very easy to find new lives. Besides that, the game is very funny. Design in the game is great, worlds are very amusing and besides loosing some times, you always want to try again.
The soundtrack in the game is amazing. The new suits are awesome, some suits such as the bee which will let you fly and crawl on some walls and the boo wich will let you go through walls enrich the game grandiosely.

I recommend this game to everybody, there are no preferences, it's fun in every aspect and suitable for all ages.
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